Atlassian Confluence i plugins de Confluence

Informació de la llicència per Confluence

Confluence 8.5.10

Copyright © 2024 - {1} Atlassian Corporation Pty Ltd.

The use of this product is subject to the terms of the Atlassian End User Agreement, unless otherwise specified therein.

Aquest producte inclou software desenvolupat per l Apache Software Foundation.

This product includes software developed by Twitter, licensed under CC-BY 4.0

This product also includes the following libraries which are covered by the GNU LGPL license:

Aquest producte inclou codi escrit per terceres parts

Els detalls addicionals respecte aquests i altres codis de tercers inclosos en aquest producte, incloent drets d'autor, avisos legals i de llicenciament, estan disponibles al directori "llicències" sota el directori de instal·lació de Confluence.

Informació de la llicència pels plugins de Confluence

Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant 3.9.13

Copyright © 2002 - 2022 Atlassian Corporation Pty Ltd.

The use of this product is subject to the terms of the Atlassian End User Agreement, unless other specified therein.

This plugin includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation.

This plugin also includes code written by other third parties.

Additional details regarding these and other third-party codes included in this plugin, including applicable copyright, legal, and licensing notices, are available in the "licenses" directory inside the plugin.